[PSYCH 210] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (38 pages long!)

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Module: module 1. 1 determining the nature and nurture of lifespan development, module 1. 2 theoretical perspectives on lifespan development, module 1. 3 research methods. Module 1. 1: determining the nature and nurture - of lifespan development. 1. 1 define the field of lifespan development and describe what it encompasses. 1. 2 describe the areas that lifespan development specialists cover. 1. 3 describe some of the basic influences on human development. 1. 4 summarize four key issues in the field of lifespan development. Every person is like every other person skin, needs. Every person is like some other person language, disease, hair. Every person is like no other person - fingerprints. A field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior throughout the lifespan. From conception to death humans have to go through all stages. Luis brown the 1st test tube baby. Many different disciplines include their research to lifespan development. Medical professions are looking at how we can make better the lifespan.