SOC 305 Midterm: Soc305 Test 2 study guide

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Refers to the entity that is being studied. Individual unit of analysis ex: degree of support for legal abortions, whether someone has had or knows someone who has had an abortion. Organization/city unit ex: degree to which churches support legal abortions, % of schools that refuse to teach sex education. Nation unit ex: whether a country legalizes abortion, abortion rate per women in a society. Annual rate of change in a country"s gdp. Explanations made up of general principles or laws. Apply to more contexts that the specific one being studied. Replication: benefit of transparency about how you did your research. Variables may vary in how they relate to time. Across the units of analysis at the same time. Amount of time a child under 5 spends watching tv a day. Annual rate of change in the avg. temp in the northern hemisphere. Interpretive approach: society is socially constructed so there"s no such.