GEOG 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Relative Direction, Overfishing, Antarctic Circle

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Geographical themes: location: an absolute or relative location, place: physical and cultural characteristics, human environmental interactions, regions, movement: mmnt of people. Absolute location: lat and lo (geographical coordinates) Relative location: spatial interconnection and interdependence of places (west of brazil) Expressed as absolute/relative and site/situation: direction. Relative direction: culturally based and locationally variable (the west, near east, far east: regions. Formal: common characteristic, internal homogeneity, sets it apart from surrounding areas. Functional: connectivity, transportation, communication, trade, other services (nyc) Perceptual/vernacular: boundaries are fluid, mental maps (upstate/downstate ny) site/situation. Chapter 2: the geographic grid and maps (part i and ii) The key components of the grid and their significance: equator, prime meridian, tropics of cancer and capricorn (230n/s) Lowest the vertical rays of the sun can hit: arctic and antarctic circle (66. 5 n/s) 24 hours of day/night: north pole 90 n, south pole 90 s. Topographic (contour lines: show elevation, used by engineers, regional planners, land use analysts, developers, hikers.