PSYC 2900 Study Guide - Final Guide: Construct Validity, Statistical Significance, Dependent And Independent Variables

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22 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Quasi-experiments are similar to true experiments except the experiments do not have full control. Non-equivalent control group design a quasi-experimental study that has at least one treatment group and one. Interrupted time-series design a quasi-experimental design that measures people repeatedly on s dependent variable before during and after the (cid:498)interruption(cid:499) caused by some event. Non-equivalent groups interrupted time series design combines non-equivalent control group design and interrupted comparison group, but participants have not been randomly assigned to the two groups. time-series design. Priorities of quasi-experiments: take advantage of real life scenarios real world setting helps ensure external validity some studies may be unethical to do as true experiments. 3 small n-experiments: researcher observes behavior for an extended baseline period before beginning a treatment or other intervention; if. Stable baseline design (cid:523)comes from a study of memory strategy called (cid:498)expand rehearsal(cid:499)(cid:524) as study in which a behavior during the baseline is stable the researcher is more certain of the treatment"s effectiveness.