RHETOR 103A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Siege Of Melos, Symbolic Speech, Thersites

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3 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Narrow def: art of making speech persuasive. Wider def: communication by speech or by writing. Speech art theory: language as more than content, includes tone, context, value. Pythagoras" method shows essence of rhetoric: hide behind curtain and lecture. Rhetoric is aesthetic (used to manage appearances), seductive (creates illusion of something behind the scene), and creates a pretense of depth (hide meaning) Metalanguage plays important role in everyday life. Not art of persuasion and often the art of dissuasion. Achilles not convinced to go back and fight the trojans by. Martin: each hero is a kind of speaker (toye 2) cannot and should not ignore, but see into rhetoric - requires overcoming of prejudices and preconceptions. Logos: rational/ reason, story, tradition, argument, speech vs. ergon: fact, action, battle war. 9. 312-3: ac recognizes that one can hide one thing in heart and speak something else > gap between l/e presents lies and deception.