PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Design Of Experiments, Thematic Apperception Test, Intercultural Competence

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18 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Is not culturally specific reaction to an event. ^ dsm ^ personal distress, disability, violation of social norms, dysfunction a. viii. 1. Personal distress: captures things like anxiety disorders and depression. Fails to capture things like antisocial personalities where distress is not experienced but disorder is present a. viii. 2. Disability: captures things like substance abuse disorders and phobias. Fails to capture things like bulimia where one can live life unimpaired a. viii. 3. Violation of social norms: captures things like ocd. But too broad and narrow: criminals violate social norms, highly anxious people do not violate social norms. But dysfunction is hard to identify in relation to psychological disorders: syndrome vs. symptom vs. diagnosis, dimensional vs. categorical approach, etiology, contributions of hippocrates and galen, hippocrates a. i. a. ii. a. iii. a. iv. Proponent of: something wrong with the brain disturbs thought and action. Social unrest and famine causes people to turn to demonology a. i. a. ii.