PSYCH 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parenting, Elizabeth Loftus, Muzafer Sherif

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Neurons: specialized cells that receive/transmit information throughout the body and brain. Neuron communication: synapse- a very small space that separates the terminal buttons of one neuron from the dendrites of another, neurotransmitters- chemicals that are released by pores in the terminal buttons of neurons. Excite- increase the chances of/ cause the second neuron to release its neurotransmitters. Inhibit- educe the likeliness that the second neuron to release its neurotransmitters. The supporting staff: glia(1)cells: cells that support neurons by: Neurotransmitter type examples: dopamine (da, serotonin (5-ht) High levels of da are associated with schizophrenia and hallucinations. Also linked to areas that control hunger, sleep cycles and arousal. Defining the nervous system: our brain, spinal cord, and the neurons connected to them create something that we call the nervous system. Central nervous system- brain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system- collection of nerves (neuron clusters) and neurons located throughout the body.