POL SCI 143A Study Guide - Final Guide: Glasnost, Perestroika, Mccarthyism

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Fundamental differences: us favors individual, china favors group. End of civil war, china expresses desire for good relations. Mccarthyism in china drives anti-communism, china is supported by the ussr. Nixon visits mao during a ping-pong tournament. Collapse of ussr makes china less threatening to us. Us denounces tiananmen, south china sea claims gave back china some of its territories. In 1917, ussr repealed all unfair international treaties imposed in tsarist time, In 1950s, members of the comintern were set to china to help creation of the. Soviets didn"t like chiang trying to turn on ccp and kill them all. Feb 1950: stalin and mao sign mutual assistance treaty. End of the 1950s, kruschev gave a . Mao said ussr was falling back to capitalism. Eventually leaders die and things get better. China gave up korea as a tributary state. Was a tributary state to china until 1895. China fought against sk in the korean war.