POL SCI 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wealth Tax, Classical Liberalism, Opposition To United States Involvement In The Vietnam War

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Political institution - the rules and procedures that structure competition, also think of it as an organization that connects people to politics (ex: congress, veto, fillibuster) Strategic politicians - goal oriented actors whose goals are to get re-elected. They (usually) behave strategically in pursuit of their goals and consider the effect of action on staying in office. Creates the need to bargain with other strategic actor politicians significant bc it explains the necessity of politicians to stick to their original platforms and vote for who the citizens want (if they want to keep their position). Prisoner"s dilemma- a dilemma where each person has an incentive to defect but would be better off as a whole to cooperate. (typically, both defect and both end up in a worse position) Significance: by trying to help one"s self interest, both people end up in a worse position that if they had cooperated, it exemplifies a collective action problem.