MEDIAST 10 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Trans Fat, Ketone Bodies, Hepatotoxicity

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Test review: what"s the total (g) of cheesecake, carbs: 168 kcals = 42g, fat: 324 kcals = 36g, proteins: 36 = 9g, alcohol: 0 kcals = 0g (macronutrients) are needed in large quantities n energy yielding. Bomb calorimeter: which one assess dietary intake, ffq, diet recods, 24 hr recall, which one belongs under the dri for micronutrients, ear, rda, ai, ul, anna is on a 2000 kcal diet. 2: the acceptable macronitrient distribution range for protein is (10-35, most digestion n absorption happens in the (small intestine) 5. (celiac disease) occurs when ppl r unable to absorb gluten. Ethanol< (adh) < acetaldegyde (aldh) acetate. They are water soluble n our bodies can"t store them in large amounts. Excess of it is expelled through urine. Denaturation causes a protein to lose its functions. Cell growth, repair n maintenance n body structure. Synthesis of nonprotein molecules that contain nitrogen. Protein synthesis - when cells use genes to make proteins.