INTEGBI 31 Study Guide - Final Guide: Brood Parasite, Parental Investment

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Parental care represents the activities of an adult that enhance the survivorship of. Variation in parental care reflects life history trade-offs. The concept of life history entails a series of changes that an organism goes through offspring. 2) why don"t all species provide high levels of parental care? during its lifetime. 3) what is it meant by life history trade-offs? of the individual. How would that affect survivorship of offspring? in a matter of weeks. Elephants reproduce once every five years while fruit flies reproduce produce hundreds of eggs in their brief life span. Elephants provide long time parental care while fruit flies don"t provide any parental care. Elephants have longer survivorship of offspring while fruit flies don"t have a long survivorship of offspring. This is why fruit flies produce hundreds of eggs to ensure they are able to pass on their genes. 5)if energy is allocated to reproduction, it reduces energy that might be used for ___.