EPS C82 Midterm: EPS MT 2 Study

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Blamed for a lot of things - e. g climate system"s ability to change annually (interannual. Enso is the largest source of climate variability and the only one with a global. Other regions have their own el nino southern oscillation - north atlantic oscillation, All these have natural causes (internal fluctuations at atmosphere) and social. Indian monsoon impact consequences (fisheries, crops, floods, droughts) Opposite: la nina - colder ocean temperature. Cane and zebiak cracked the code for en, model enso as ocean-atmosphere phenomenon, allowed for predictions and initiated climate forecasts at these timescales. Since en is so chaotic, need to make different forecasts based on different conditions. Enso index (which measures en) correlated with maize yields in zimbabwe (r=0. 78) Walker circulation (bjerknes discovered east-west circulation in pacific can explain the east west temp gradient in pacific) Clockwise circulation - from cold to warm pool above equatorial thermocline (region in internal ocean with sharp vertical temperature gradient)