CHEM C130 Midterm: mcbC100A-sp2013-mt2-Head-Gordon-soln

43 views9 pages
8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Short problems (15 points each: the basis of proton nmr is that the hydrogen atom has a magnetic moment, so that in a magnetic field it can populate two states: spin up (s ) and spin down (s ). For n=100 hydrogen atoms and t = 300 k (a) compute the relative population difference |ns ns | / (ns +ns ) It gets smaller: identify all relevant energetic interactions and their functional forms found for the following amino acid constituents: (a) Intermolecular interaction between ch4 and ch4 (model for alanine-alanine) No net charge, no other permanent poles, and unfavorable electron pairing (same electronic configuration) (b) + and coo- (model for zwitter ionic termini) Net charge, no other permanent poles, and unfavorable electron pairing (same electronic configuration) Long problems (25 points each: e. coli dna polymerase introduces about 1 incorrect base in 104 internucleotide linkages during replication in vitro .