CHEM 4A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Effective Potential, Jellium, Wave Function

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

You are given the following effective potential for an electron orbiting around the nucleus of the h-atom with angular momentum / and radial velocity vr: where you can take 4vreo = 10~10 c2/j-m and q = 10~19 c. The radii of the circular orbits (in meters) of this effective potential are: Unless otherwise specified, use h = 1 * 10~34 j-s. To simplify the calculations, the speed of light c = 3 * 108 m/s and the mass of the electron m= 9 * 10~31 kg. Some formulas to help you with powers of 10: To receive full credit, please write the equation that you use to answer the question, and then give your answers in numerial values. Fractions are acceptable, but all powers of 10 should be simplified. 1: (20 pts) imagine we live in a world where the photoelectric effect resulted in the graph shown in fig.