CHEM 112A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Epoxide, Molecular Orbital Diagram, Lone Pair

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8 Jan 2019

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Section and/or gsi if you are in the laboratory course: _______________________: you will have 75 minutes in which to work. Page 1 of 9: (8 points) consider the molecule below: Oh: i) draw two chiral configurational stereoisomers of this molecule, indicate whether these two molecules are enantiomers or diastereomers, label any meso compounds meso". Circle correct relationship: enantiomers diastereomers meso? meso: i) draw two achiral configurational stereoisomers of this molecule, indicate whether these two molecules are enantiomers or diastereomers, label any meso compounds meso". Page 2 of 9: (15 points) the following questions ask you about acids and bases, place the following three molecules in order of increasing acidity. Explain why you put them in this order. Explanation least acidic: circle the most acidic hydroxyl (oh) group in ascorbic acid, which is drawn below. Include a drawing of the chemical structure of the anion in your answer. Page 3 of 9: consider the molecule below: