UGBA 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Food Industry, Buzzword, Sunk Costs

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Learning that takes place as the result of responses to external events- focus on. 2 types: classical conditioning and instrumental (operant) conditioning. Unconditioned stimulus, paired with another conditioned stimulus, can result in an conditioned response that is learned due to association between the two stimuli. Ie brand association resulting in a learned response stimulus generalization. Inducing consumers to think one stimulus is similar to another. Ie cvs brand ibuprofen vs advil --> want you to just buy cvs brand (look alike packaging) instrumental conditioning (operant) produce negative outcomes. We learn to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and avoid those that. External source: positive or negative reinforcement (reward vs punishment) Theory that stresses importance of internal mental processes cognitive learning observational learning behaviors. When we watch the actions of others and note the reinforcements they receive for their. I. e. perfume - a woman will shop same brand as a friend to get same feedback.