BIOLOGY 1B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Comparative Anatomy, Heritability, Horizontal Gene Transfer

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Everyting was created at once and life types are ordered in a hierarchy. Ex: grouping cats (cats, tigers, cheetas) with a group of carnivores. Natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now and have always opperated. Some higher being caused a huge disaster/ process that no longer happens (supernatural) Older layers had older fossils that no longer exist. Upset idea that everything was created at once. Favorable variations would tend to be preserved and the others wiped out. Idea that one species had arrived and then diversified. Changes in allele frequency over time = evolution. Slow and gradual = earth must be old. Fossilization of every single type of organism is very rare. Traits are affected by a single factor, and each individual has two of these factors. Same species who can freely interbreed and are in part isolated from other individuals in other populations. Groups of the same species could have different conditions.