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Anthro 3ac midterm study guide: short answer questions, scientific racism. What: the concept of using science and measurement to explain inferiority between races and cultures. Why: leads to white supremacy and inferiority of non-whites; justified slavery, conquest, and colonialism in europe. Who cares: many europeans used the concepts of social darwinian ideology to confirm and justify their social racism, which gave meaning to physical differences by proving superiority/inferiority between racial groups: hypo v hyper-descent. Hypodescent : contamination results in association with the inferior race. One drop rule = if you have one drop of blood, you are considered that race. Assigns people to lower classes based on their mixed race. Hyperdescent : phenotypic assignment that results in a multi polar identification, no notion of one drop or calculation of ancestry. Assigns people to higher classes based on how mixed their race is. Who cares: defines racial hierarchies and various racist methods of whitening a population: dred scott 1857.