PSYC3338 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transient Ischemic Attack, Thrombus, Blood Vessel

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18 Oct 2018

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Stroke readings (brain that changes itself - ch. Can"t make new neurons, but can make them live longer through learning. We can help prevent things like ad. lecture. A stroke is essentially a brain attack in which the blood supply in the brain is locally compromised. Tissue is damaged because of lack of o2 and nutrients (glucose) some tissue dies! Neurons deprived of o2 and nrg show signs of structural damage after only 2 minutes. Hemorrhagic (bleed) stroke hemorrhage/blood leaks into brain tissue. Ischemic (occlusion) stroke clot stops blood supply to brain area; tissue dies. In both cases, surrounding tissue can"t get enough nutrients and starts to die cns can"t regenerate!! (pns can ) Artery is blocked, and a piece of thrombus breaks off and moves, becoming an embolism lodges in brain = stroke, in heart = heart attack. Size of the thrombus = size of the stroke. Broca"s area spoken language occlusion/stroke here results in aphasia.