NURS 2070 Study Guide - Final Guide: Presbyopia, Snellen Chart, Pallor

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12 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Tachycardia: rapid resting heart rate; over 90 bpm: elevated blood pressure may be due to fever, anxiety, or exercise. Bradycardia: resting heart rate; less than 50 bpm o common in athletes. Auscultatory gap: a period of diminished or absent korotkoff sounds during the manual measurement of blood pressure; an underestimation of the systolic blood pressure/ overestimation of the diastolic blood pressure. Systolic pressure: max pressure felt on artery during lv contraction: normal: <120 mmhg. Diastolic pressure: resting pressure blood exerts constantly between each contraction: normal: <80 mmhg. Hypertension: abnormally high bp: 140/90 mmhg or above. Orthostatic hypotension: a drop in systolic pressure of more than 20 mmhg; aka postural hypotension. Older age: aorta and major arteries harden systolic pressure increases o, diastolic pressure increases, pulse is easier to palpate. Asystole: absent of a heart beat/ absence of contractions of the heart. Arrhythmia: a variation from the heart"s normal rhythm.