MGMT1021 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Total Quality Management, Big5, Group Cohesiveness

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Document Summary

O individual: group, organizational, organization = a consciously coordinated social unit composed of 2 or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals, historical backdrop, structural perspectives: Mcgregor"s theory x and y: theory x, most people dislike work and avoid it when they can, must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work, people require close direction when they are working, most prefer to be directed, tend to avoid responsibility and exhibit little ambition, interested only in security, theory y, work is a natural activity, like play or rest, people capable of self direction and self control if they are committed to objectives, generally become committed to organizational objectives if rewarded for doing so, typical employee can learn to accept and seek responsibility, imagination, ingenuity, creativity, integrative perspective: