HIST 1093 Study Guide - Final Guide: Carl Linnaeus, Consumerism, Westo

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20 Sep 2017

Document Summary

God and gold: the origins of spanish and portuguese imperialism c. 1085-1542. Strong christian religious identities, spain stays christian, religion is transferred by bloodline, political fragmentation of the peninsula, kingdom of. Marks beginning of portuguese presence/ empire in africa. Portuguese enter in 1370, make money off of slaves and dye. Forces portugal begin trying to sail down the west coast of africa because they have less power, Creation of plantations beginning of trade with african states, mutually beneficial because. Set up jurisdiction, ignored native rights, generally ignored by all other european countries, but well followed by spain and. Spanish conquered aztec empire beginning of the conquest of the. 3 attempts, only succeed after diseases help to kill most of the population. Find money and profits in conquering, increase popularity of colonization. After 90% of natives die, need new workers. Increase in the popularity of slavery, but also regulation and protection of native slaves.