BIOL3030 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Peripheral Nervous System, Autonomic Nervous System, Spinal Nerve

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Study guide: intro to physio: lecture 4. Mass specific scaling: head size to body ratio size decreases as your body grows, volume. Network of billions of nerve cells linked together in a highly organized fashion to form the rapid control center of the body. Integrates information that connects your brain and your muscles. Functions: sensation, movement, regulation of all of your body systems, everything that your body does is orchestrated by your nervous system, complex thought/self-awareness. Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord. Brain structure: forebrain, brainstem, midbrain, pons (hindbrain, medulla oblongata (hindbrain, cerebellum, corpus callosum, develops in the embryo. Spinal nerves: important functions in muscle movement and sensation, motor, sensory. Project from the spinal column (neural tube: integrated into cns by interneurons, grey matter and white matter (the axons that are projecting from the grey matter, each vertebrae has its own spinal nerve going left and right. Peripheral neurons send information to the cns (afferent)