BIOL2000 Study Guide - Benzamide, Syphilis, Intestinal Villus

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29 Jan 2014

Document Summary

Persons heterozygous for sickle cell abnormal hemoglobin. S are resistant cannot fit in abnormal c shaped cells, Negative for duffy blood group have rbc resistance. Women who are immune, lose immunity of p. falciparum when pregnant. Water or food contaminated with cat feces (oocysts), changing cat litter box, undercooked meat (bradyzoites), mother to fetus, organ transplant, blood transfusion. Horizontal transmission with tissue cysts = unique for toxo, because rest need a sexual cycle. Conveyor belt model (twirling, circular gliding, helical gliding) Myosin anchored into inner membrane complex through protein complex. Short actin filaments form and grow through polymerization bound to myosin. A second protein complex which include parasite surface ligands bound to actin and moved against imc through this polymerization. Micronemes secreted when detects right cell, bind to host cell, and insert into plasma membrane of parasite. Stay attached to host cell and allow movement into cell as actin polymerized.