SOC 1305 Study Guide - Final Guide: National Crime Victimization Survey, Uniform Crime Reports, White-Collar Crime

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12 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Based on info from law enforcement agencies. Over 60% of all crimes not reported to police: trends in crime : (overall it is decreasing) Age : age crime curve (increase in young adults) Class: street crime more common among lower class. # of people in prison is increasing: views of functionalist & con ict perspectives when it comes to crime/deviance. Ppl we commonly consider deviants share the trait of powerlessness. Norms of any society generally re ect the interests of the rich & Spitzer argues that deviant labels are applied to ppl who interfere w/ the operation of capitalism powerful. There is nothing abnormal about deviance it exists in every culture (universal) Durkheim: it is a natural & inevitable part of all society. Deviance is not all bad for society. Responding to deviance clari es moral boundaries & promotes unity. Too much deviance can be dysfunctional: know the functions of punishment. Labeling theory from how others respond to those actions.