SOC 1305 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Institutional Racism, Social Epidemiology, Information Asymmetry

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31 Jul 2017

Document Summary

Second shift - women do the majority of the housework as well as work a normal job too. other job. Patriarchy - system of society that says father or oldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. Matriarchy - system of society or government ruled by a woman or women. Women"s education (compared to men) - by 1980, women earned a majority of all associate and bachelor degrees. Women"s pay (compared to men) - women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. Race - socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically. Transmitted traits that members of a society consider important. Ethnicity - shared cultural heritage/descent based on perceived cultural similarities. Individual racism - discrimination or prejudice towards a person based on their race or ethnicity. Institutional racism - racism embedded in social and political institutions. Certain group is targeted and discriminated based on race.