REL 1350 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gnosticism, Asceticism, Septuagint

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23 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Christian heritage is the history of the beginnings of christianity until the present. All ways, customs, and knowings have been passed down, and should continue to be passed down until the end of time. : the spread of greek throughout the greco-roman empire; language, : 427-347 bce: supreme being or the good ruled the world, not chance; the god is not personal, however, visible versus invisible ideas . Immortality of the soul (abiding truth above this visible world); john 11:25 jesus said to her, i am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die and 1 corinthians 15. *the world of the visible is fading; the world of ideas is greater and more true than all things we can see and touch. *body is separated from the soul--one will die and the other will be resurrected and will live on forever.