REL 1310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Theodicy, Syncretism, Antiochus Iv Epiphanes

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22 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Books of psalms: collecting of worship songs, israel"s hymnbook, prayer book, theology from below, defining god when is israelites are opposed, gritty, honest (human way). Instructions on life and faith, god reigns, centerpiece of book 5 (psalm 119)- god rules through the torah, walk in ways of god , problem: call down god"s judgement, curses, and destruction on enemies. Purpose was to absolutely to carry out gods law. Isaiah: most frequently quoted prophet in the new testament, poet, against violence. Three isiah: first: assyrian crisis, second: babylonian exile, third: jerusalem, 2nd temple period. Transition to monarchy: from sinai to canaan, king david sets up capital for israelites, from tribal confederation to monarchy, (first book of samuel) United monarchy: name given to the israelite kingdom of israel and judah, saul then david. Divided monarchy: under rule of solomon, solomon being luxurious because he was wise but made foolish decisions. Israel: kingship is the biggest problem, northern, divided into tribes.