PSY 3341 Quiz: Chapter 1 and 2 Study Guide Ex. 1

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Physical- includes changes in the body and how the body uses it. Cognitive- includes declines, gains, and changes in thinking. Aging- positive, negative, and neutral changes in the maturing organism. Age-grade- socially defined age groups or strata each with different statuses, roles, privileges, and responsibilities. Rite of passage- ritual that marks a person"s passage from one status to. Age norms- expectations about what people should be doing or how they should behave at different points in the life span. Personal clock- personal sense of when things should be done in life and when the individual is of or behind the schedule dictated by age norms. Maturation- developmental changes that are biologically programmed by genes rather than cause primarily by learning, injury, illness, or some other life experience. Learning- relatively permanent change in behavior that results from a person"s experience of practice. It is shaped by its historical and cultural context.