PSC 2302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Missouri Compromise, Strict Scrutiny, Roth V. United States

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Document Summary

Thomas jefferson- principal author of the declaration of independence. Alexander hamilton- first secretary of the treasury and proponent of the u. s. bank. John locke- english philosopher that argued most strongly for natural rights of individuals. Federalist papers- written by james madison, john jay, and alexander hamilton to promote the ratification of the constitution. Mcculloch v. maryland- case that recognized the doctrine of implied powers. Missouri compromise - when maine joined the union, it made missouri half-slave, half-free with the dividing line at parallel 36-30 north. Current members of the supreme court - kennedy, sotomayor, roberts, alito, ginsburg, thomas, Great (connecticut) compromise - the constitutional convention of 1787 proposed a two house legislature. House would be represented on state population and senate equally represented by two for each state. Constitutionalism- limited government, the rule of law, and the fundamental worth of each individual. Marbury v. madison - case that started process of judicial review-