PSC 2302- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 50 pages long!)

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Tell us who is sovereign (the people) The former is a document, the latter is the principle of mind. You want both so that the constitution will be kept. Constitutionalism: the government has its limitations and must be accountable for its actions. When trump won, there was no massive bloodshed though many opposed him because the constitution exists,. Aristotle believed political science was the master science. Since man is a political animal: government is a natural progression of man. Family is the basic unit of the city state. Citizenship should depend on: not dependant on blood, how much you give to that city-state. Women (since husbands were master over them), children, slaves could not give to the city-state. Telos - the ultimate something can be. People could own property but should be used for the betterment of the city-state. Amendatory articles that describe the manner in which the supreme law may be changed. Bill of rights - limits on governments.