MGT 3305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Philip Selznick, Organizational Commitment, Type A And Type B Personality Theory

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Explaining human behavior in organizations, which includes examining the behavior of individuals, groups, or all the members of an organization as a whole. Social structures created by individuals to support the collaborative pursuit of specific goals. Ob and management can be considered and practiced from at least two perspectives conventional and sustainable. Technical skills: refer to expertise in a particular task or field. Relational skills: are talents for getting along with and motivating people. Conceptual skills: refer to capability to understand complex issues and underlying causes and to solve problems with broad implications. Sustainable organizing = puts an emphasis on courage and experimentation. 4 key functions of ob conventional vs sustainable. The process of deciding on an organizations goals and strategies. Happens through participation, practical wisdom, and higher-order goals. Emphasized courage and assigned and the structure of an organizational relationships facilitates the meeting of organizational goals. experimentation. Relating with other so that their work.