POL 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Atlantic Slave Trade, John Boehner, Commerce Clause

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A contract between the people and their government. Public gives up certain freedom to the government. Hobbes: life is nasty, poor, brutish, and short . Locke: life in the state of nature isn"t that bad. Need powerful, authoritative government to protect people from themselves. 20 year time limit on trans atlantic slave trade. Federal government will not inspire feelings of patriotic attachment. Public will not understand activities of federal government- accountability. Democracies can"t work in large, diverse countries. Ex: political parties, unions, corporations, interest groups, religious groups. Any group go people with a common interest opposed to another group. Strong federal government and a separation of powers system. Prevent factions through creation of small, homogenous states. Descriptive- demographic (race, gender, age, income, etc. ) Antifederalists believe that you cannot have substantive without descriptive representation. Federalists believe that the two are connected. Must have one to have the other. You can have one with the other.