POL 1101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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For nearly half a century media has been something that we interact with daily, its where we go to find out what"s happening in the world. Media is essentially the tool we use to formulate our opinions. However, some may argue that media may be obscuring or framing the picture to represent the situation in their own light. The medias racialization of crime, the patriarchal narratives on gender, the othering" of immigrants, muslims, the poor all mix in order to form an ideology, and then feed it to the masses every day. The masses, on the other hand, are generally passive or as some may call sheep-like and will follow whatever media tells them to. However, there are those who reject the media and try to form their own opinions, but they are often looked at as a minority and their point becomes irrelevant as long as there is no following behind it.