POL 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Proportional Representation, Political Action Committee, Planned Parenthood

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Political science lecture notes part 2: citizens and politics. Themes: your events shape your opinions: political socialization, disagree on different opinions: ideology, liberalism vs. socialism. Political science lecture notes part 2: citizens and politics: stop and frisk policy, marijuana laws, gay marriages, death penalty, patterns within each issue group: Conclusion: less government intrusion, individual responsibility for economic outcomes. Conclusion: less government intrusion, individual freedom in personal behavior (for civil liberties) Conclusion: more government intrusion, help protect traditional social values (don"t want anarchy) Political science lecture notes part 2: citizens and politics: e. g. George bush also backs this claim up: fox news vs nbc, fox news is generally conservative/republican. Shows more positive stories on romney, more negative on obama: nbc has a liberal perspective. : volunteer at the homeless shelter: active in political party in neighborhood, contact newspaper, call in to radio/tv talk show, sign a petition, conclusion, most of us aren"t participating.