POL 1101 Study Guide - Final Guide: United States House Committee On Rules, Veto, Cloture

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Study guide exam 3: congress - organization, presiding officers of house and senate, house: speaker of the house, senate: president of the senate (vice president, speaker: most powerful person in the house. Not powerful at all: whips: in charge of getting votes and rounding up information in time for the bill to be passed. Try to waver votes for/against bill: committee system: people are in charge of a certain area of expertise, efficient because division of labor. No one repeats another person"s tasks: if you"re in an important committee that brought about change, you are more likely to be reelected, jurisdiction: the law that a certain committee has authority over. Congress procedure: steps in the lawmaking process: House: bill introduction, referred to committee that has jurisdiction. Increase efficiency by getting rid of duplicate bills + minority bills. Extension of the speaker"s wishes: floor. Final passage (50% + 1 to go to next step)