PHI 1500 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tabula Rasa, Placemat, Divergent Thinking

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Locke argues that ideas, instead of being innate, are a result of information derived from the 5 senses, and the reflection that we do in our own minds. For locke, ideas encompass all things that a person could think about, regardless of proof. His argument against the idea that ideas are innate uses children and idiots as an example. Plato, only ideas that exist in the intelligible world, the highest state of being, are valid. According to plato, these ideas exist on a plane separate from us, and they existed before we were created, and therefore our knowledge of these ideas is innate and comes from this intelligible world. Descartes, ideas are merely the immediate perception of any thought that makes one aware of the thought. Speculative principles are principles that are self-evident, but not innate. What is, is and it is impossible for the same thing to be and not to be .