[BUS 1000] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 23 pages long Study Guide!

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Have a lot of data, can"t count every data. In order to find specific data. : highlight all the data cells (including the titles, insert pivot table, new worksheet (so you don"t mess the one you"re using, have the same data fields, interested in . Select fields and pivot table will calculate for you. In real life, they"re very confusing, but we will be using a very simple one. Have three main sessions: gross profit margin. = revenue cogs (cost of goods sold: net income before tax. = gpm (gross profit margin) operating expenses: net income. = net income before tax taxes. Example: selling 1 cup of coffee for : revenue: , cost of goods sold: Paid $. 50 for the material (milk, sugar) Changes depending on how much you sell: gross profit margin = - $. 5 = . 50. Not really a profit since i still have a lot of other expenses to pay: operating expenses: