PSYS 100- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Na ve realism: we like to believe the world is exactly what we think it is, however, this is wrong, the world is not exactly as we see/experience it. Transduction- conversion of external energies or substances into a nervous system signal (excitation or inhibition: e. g. , increases or decrease neurotransmitter activity, sense receptors- transduce specific stimuli. Absolute threshold- smallest stimulus energy needed for the nervous system to detect: human error increases as stimuli get weaker. Just noticeable difference- smallest change in intensity of a stimulus that we can detect. Sensory system organization within the cortex: not just a one-way street. Parallel processing: can attend to many senses at once, bottom-up vs. top-down processing (co-exist) Subliminal perceptions can change how we rate items. Subliminal persuasion is rarely effective in producing large-scale changes in our attitudes. Perceptual sets- relationship between a stimulus and its context: grouping, contextual effects, preconceptions, expectations.