COMM 210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Notecards, Social Support, Communication Apprehension

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Chapters 1 through 7 and 11 (and all lecture/class content associated with it) You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to take the exam. Interpersonal communication - communication between 2 people. Group communication communication between three or more people. Public communication - interaction of one individual with large groups of people. Mass-mediated communication - communication through technology: explain the models of communication and why each is important. Dance"s helical model - communication is ever changing, circular, expanding, and building upon the past. The bottom represents not knowing much because it is small, and the top represents knowing much about the people. Message- can be verbal or nonverbal elements, Channel- how the message gets from the sender to the receiver, Receiver- brings previous attitudes, and decodes/translates the message. Feedback- any verbal or nonverbal response to a source. Noise anything that interferes with the process.