SOCY 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: C. Wright Mills, Spurious Relationship, Macrosociology

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Its a study of interaction and society. Its a study of groups: dr. james found that as ice cream consumption increases, so do the crime levels. What is temporal precedence? single most important tool for determining the strength of a cause and effect relationship. Its the process of establishing that the cause did indeed happen before the effect. C wright mills: focus groups are a type of qualitative research method. True: according to karl marx, in a capitalist system, everyone has equal access to economic re- sources. False: according to allan j. johnson, individualistic thinking is wrong because most of what we ex- perience happens in relation to a social context of some kind. Many of us meet new friends while attending college. **interactional function: language we use to build and maintain relationships; normally carries a message to get things done manifest function: the obvious, intended functions of a social structure for the social systems.