SOS 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Millennium Development Goals, Ecosystem Approach, Electric Light

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Sustainable business involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic. Sustainability introductory lecture: prosperity, environmental quality, and social equity. what global initiatives have focused on these issues. Know what intergenerational and intragenerational equity mean and. Intragenerational equity- the u. n. millennium goals and the. Johannesburg declaration reinforce the notion that we are ethically responsible to not use so many resources that we jeopardize the quality of life of other people in this generation. Improve maternal health (not necessarily those in the lecture if you know of others). Know examples of sustainability initiatives at the state and local level. Sustainable minnesota: 1993: minnesota sustainable development initiative: what is good for business, the environment and communities must eventually become one and the same. 105 citizens asked how to make minnesota"s future sustainable: 1996: governor appoints 30 leaders to undertake research on citizen suggestions, report in 1998. 2000+: series of documents to help communities plan.