PSY 350 Midterm: Exam 2 social cognition.doc

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Any term in bold print is one that will be covered on the exam. How we come to understand and explain ourselves and others. Our behavior is determined by our subjective interpretation of people and the situation. We develop theories (possible explanation, not a fact) about people. We then look for information that supports our theories, we want to be right. Nature, culture, and nurture influence your belief system and create your own subjective interpretation of social information which creates and leads to your social behavior. Political conservatism as motivated social cognition (it describes a specific belief system) Based on a meta-analysis of 88 samples, 12 countries, 22818 cases. Justification of inequality (why rich people deserve more, and why it makes sense) Conservatives strongly believe obama is bad, therefore anything he does is bad. Ex: using teleprompter (its okay for palin to use it, not. Your beliefs (your theory) of who you are.