PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Realistic Conflict Theory, Stanley Schachter, Social Identity Theory

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Know all about the following terms and concepts including what they are, how they"ve been studied and be able to teach your knowledge to an innocent bystander. Also included are sample response sets to guide your studies. There will be other questions, including dvd-relevant questions that are not on this guide. Proposes self-esteem can be undermined by either threats to personal identity. Know that your attitudes, thoughts and behaviors may be influenced both by what other people do (normative influence such as why teens start smoking) and by information (informative influence). Normative- norm influencing people informative- you"re influenced because of information. Ask small request if they comely they will comely to large request. Get rid of anxiety to act it out or fantasize or sexual violence. Groups trying to get some resource going to be approach & conflict. Loafing- tug of war; reduction ineffort by individuals when they work in groups as compared to when they work by themselves.