PSY 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mary Ainsworth, Fortean Times, Egocentrism

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Study tips: if a concept was covered in lecture, always use lecture notes. Remember, material from the methods lectures is game for any exam throughout the course. Mary ainsworth did the strange situation study, which determined what type of bond a child had and thought up the three types of bonds. Piaget the french researcher who thought of cognitive development theories. Erikson erikson is responsible for the psychosocial model, or how you build social skills. Marcia proposed the idea that people begin personality deviations in adolescence. Embryonic (2-8 weeks): most vulnerable stage because major organs and body systems develop. Fetal (8 weeks on): organs start to move and function. Secure still play but check on caretaker every few minutes. These babies are easily comforted and go back to play with toys after the caretaker leaves. This shows that they trust them to come back. Avoidant play right away and usually don"t cry when the caretaker leaves.