NTR 341 : NTR341StudyGuide2.doc

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Name the body weight components: lean body mass. Skeletal muscles, water, bone, and essential fat in internal organs, bone marrow, and nerve tissues. Increases with exercise; decreases with age: essential body fat. About 3% of body weight in men, 12% in women: storage body fat. Around internal organs to protect from trauma. Good health associated with 8% to 24% of body weight in men and 21% to 35% in women. What are some methods of body weight regulation and energy intake: short-term and long-term regulation. Hypophagia and hyperphagia in response to changes in caloric intake. Controversial: dietary thermogenesis and the thermic effect of food, resting metabolic rate, energy expended in voluntary activity. Ntr 341 exam 2 study guide: regulatory neurotransmitters and hormones. How do we assess body weight: overweight versus obesity, ideal body weight (ibw, body mass index (bmi, waist-to-hip ratio (whr, waist circumference.