MGT 300 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kmt2A, Unexpect, Goblet Drum

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Three grand strategies are growth, stability, and defensive. growth stage the second stage of the product life cycle. Porter"s four competitive strategies (four generic strategies) (1) cost-leadership, (2) differentiation, (3) cost-focus, (4) focused differentiation. The first two strategies focus on wide markets, the last two on narrow markets. Background information application forms and resumes are basic sources of information about job applicants base pay consists of the basic wage or salary paid employees in exchange for doing their jobs. Downsizing implies the dismissal is permanant employment tests tests legally considered to consist of any procedure used in the employment selection process. Equal employment opportunity (eeo) commission u. s. panel whose job it is to enforce anti-discrimination and other employment related laws. external recruiting attracting job applicants from outside the organization. Fair labor standards act legislation passed in 1938 that established minimum living standards for workers engaged in interstate commerce, including provision of a federal minimum wage.