JUS 200 Study Guide - Final Guide: Irresistible Impulse, Basement, Durham Rule

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Jus: 200 serial killers exam #1 study guide: mcnaughton rule: if the offender was unable to distinguish between right and wrong as a result of mental disability. Durham rule: also could be known was the products test. An accused is not criminally responsible if his unlawful act was the product of mental disease or defect. Nearly all states have discontinued used the durham rule. Brawner rule: used in the us to test for insanity, it combines the. Serial killers are rarely found insane in court because the jury and the people can identify that they knew what they were doing and knew it was wrong but still did it. If they can say what they did means that they aren"t insane. If a insane person doesn"t know what they did than they cant be able to tell what did they did. Childhood trauma: wanted to please his dad, felt like he could never be good enough.