FAS 332 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Sexual Response Cycle, Retrograde Ejaculation, Prostate Cancer

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Psychological, freud, learning theory, social learning theory: issues such as gender, age, ethnicity, and how they influence ideas, theory of sociobiology, based on sexual reproductive strategies. on sexuality. Women seek men who are stable and able to provide. Review: chp 1, chp 2: research measure, operationalizing, why, different types of samples. Phallic symbols: represent the penis, penis worship. Sex between blood relatives (brother/sister, father/daughter, now. Sometimes condoned because of preserving bloodline procreation. Homosexuality condemned because it is a threat to the family . Men ruled sexuality, women low social status. Male/male relationships normal as long as no interference with family. Mentoring young lover : wealthy had prostitute too (aka quartisan) Many prostitutes on street (put wood penises on door) Bestiality, orgies, sadism, fellatio, oral sex, cunnilingus, adultery. Premarital sex is shameful, for women it is punishable by death. Sex is a sacred duty for couple. Came out with sex manual, kama sutra. Pleasure the women, have the best sex.