COM 100 Study Guide - Ethnocentrism, Belief, Behaviorism

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Com 100 introduction to human communication exam 1 study guide spring. What is human communication: a process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages. What are the six basic components of human communication: setting, participants, message creation, channels, noise, feedback. Can you describe the different models of communication: linear- transfer of info from one person to another. What are three factors that help measure right or wrong: truth- degree of intimacy, share/disclose, benefit vs. harm- determine ethical choice. What should one consider to develop her/his own personal communication ethics: whether or not you an absolutist or a relative person. What are the differences between humanism and behaviorism: behaviorism value human behaviors and actions, humanism values science and reason. Can you describe the interpretive, critical, postmodern and performance approaches (paradigms) to communication : critical- aim to change through analyzation.